Friday, May 25, 2007

Walking Blog 2007: Background

The project crosspollennation was inspired by own reflections on the way the urban landscapes in Boston and Chicago are divided distinctly along race and class lines. As an artist and a college-educated white woman, I've noticed how I am implicated within this system and how my movements around the city of Boston (my home base) support, refute, challenge, and are challenged by the cultural and community divisions that come about as a result. My goal with these walks is to reflect on my relationship to these cities through dialogue, experience, compassion, and exhaustion. My hope is that the experiences that result create an alternative model for community building: through walking, through offering and receiving help, and through growing and gardening.

I will share news of my conversations, experiences, and growing information here. If you've encountered me on a walk and would like to learn more, take a look at the process writings. If you helped out with the baggage, received a seed, and have a question about how to grow your squash seed, growing information is included below. And lastly, if you would like to share your impressions of the city and your walk experiences, please add your comments!

1 comment:

Infinity said...

Crosspollenation is a really long word. Maybe on your walk you'll attract a bird. Of course you might magnitize a nerd, and then you'll both step on a bird turd. Good luck! Love, Mom, Carllie and Kieran